Thursday, February 26, 2009

Portraits of the Cutest Baby in the World!!

So this here is my little cousin, her name is Summer. She was such a joy to shoot and man how she has grown!! We are doing a series of sessions for her and this is the third in the series. Curious?? Here's how it works:

Get Pregnant-we do a maternity session
Have Baby-we do a newborn session
Baby Rolls Over-we do a 3 month session
Baby Crawls-we do a 6 month session
Baby Walks-we do a 9 month session
Baby Talks-we do a 1 year session

That's 6 sessions all rolled into one package at one cost. Best of all each session includes a print credit and digital negatives!!

Shoot me an email if you would like to start your series!

I also have been branded (finally lol) as you can see with my new watermark frame and logo. A big thanks to Tracy of Three Heart Design for putting this all together for me! Head on over to her blog and check her out she is awesome! There is one more new thing.....I got actions!! For those of you who don't know what actions are they are tools you can use in photoshop to really make the images pop! I absolutely LOVE them and can't wait to get more!! For those of you who are photogs and don't have actions I got my actions here. You can thank me later:)

Now finally the images.....enjoy!

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