Monday, May 18, 2009

Photography Clearance!

WOW what a busy past few months this has been! Sorry I have been neglecting to post but I just haven't had the time. My husband and I finally got settled into our new home (yea!!) and I am getting back into the rutine of things.

First off yes I am running a special!
Book your 09 wedding on or before June 30th 09 and receive 20% off!
Book you 09 portrait session on or before May 31st 09 and receive 10% off!

Secondly, I have started my round of engagement sessions and wow have they been fun! Thank you to all of my wonderful couples for helping me to make you engagment images super fab! I will do a post for each one shortly but in the mean time here are some teasers:)

More to come!

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